First alarm newsletter February 2011
To: All Ulster County Emergency Services
From: Art Snyder
Date: February 4, 2011
Re: New & Information
Blue Wing Services – The radio system consulting firm gave a status report on the project at SUNY Ulster on January 19th. They described the assessment of the current radio system, the results of the end-user survey that was conducted, and the status of the search for spectrum. This search for available radio frequencies will have a significant impact on what system is ultimately recommended. At the March 2nd Police Chiefs’ Association meeting law enforcement will hear the update.
Fire radio procedures – With the change in many FD administrations, I am resending the radio guidelines implemented last September. Compliance has been declining in recent weeks: we have been noticing that personnel are calling out on the command channel, that chiefs are calling out responding to mutual aid calls, that multiple units are calling on the scene, etc. If each agency would review this material with your members it would be appreciated.
Recruitment and Retention – I previously communicated with each organization’s points of contact for this program regarding a new and similar FASNY initiative called Recruit NY. FASNY is looking for each organization to have an open house during the weekend of April 9-10, 2011. We are going to have a seminar on Wednesday March 9 at 7pm in the Legislative Chambers of the County Office Building for all Recruitment and Retention POC’s. At that time a FASNY representative will discuss the program, we’ll have an update on the VIP program by the Chamber of Commerce, and the County Executive will discuss the awards recognition program.