Monday, September 20, 2010

Firefighter 1 class in Milton

There will be a Firefighter 1 class at the Milton firehouse beginning October 6, 2010. Training authorization letters (available on line) should be faxed to Deputy County Fire Coordinator Bernie Ellsworth at 247-0013 (the original should be brought to the first night of class).

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Confined Space Awareness & Safety

There will be an OFPC Confined Space Awareness & Safety course held at the Rosendale firehouse on Wednesday September 22nd and 29th. Both session will begin at 1900 hours. There is no pre-requisite to take this course. The instructor will be Wayne DePew.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

September - National Preparedness Month

As September is National Preparedness Month, we are encouraging everyone to take steps this month to prepare your family, neighborhood, and community for disasters and emergencies. Steps that you can take to get prepared include:
1. Putting together an emergency supply kit.
2. Making a family emergency plan.
3. Learning about different types of emergencies/disasters and their appropriate responses.
4. Being prepared to help your neighbor and working as a team to keep everyone safe.

To learn more about how you can get prepared for emergencies, please visit If you have questions or would like to request preparedness brochures, please contact the Ulster County Department of Health at 340-3090.